Digging into the Dunlaps (a.k.a. please appreciate your local archives)

Digging into the Dunlaps (a.k.a. please appreciate your local archives)

I am realizing that I have taken a lot of resources for granted on the sole basis that in the past I have studied well-known topics. When you’re dealing with macro-level institutions or well-studied historical figures (or even people adjacent to well-studied historical figures), there’s often a lot of digitized content, previous scholarship, and online…

Everything is permitted, Nothing is true (at least when it comes to digital storytelling)

Understand me when I say that this has been one of those modules that I’ve been looking forward to for the whole semester. The advent of my video game career began with Dragon Age: Origins (the Ultimate Edition, thank you very much) in high school and then spiraled from there. I became very attached to…
